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- ; Database of Speed Busters error messages
- ; V1.01 / JC
- ; V1.00 / David
- ;
- ; Default message
- Sorry, something has gone wrong...
- ;
- ;***************************************************
- /t TITLE Speed Busters message
- ;
- /e FATAL - Speed Busters Fatal Error -
- /e WARNING - Speed Busters Warning -
- ;
- /t ERROR
- ;
- /e FATAL - Speed Busters Fatal Error -
- /e WARNING - Speed Busters Warning -
- /e MEMORY Memory error
- /e FILEIO File access error
- /e BINARY File access error
- /e HARD Hardware error
- /e 3D 3D engine failure
- /e WIN Windows error
- /e CARD Your graphic card does not support this video mode
- /e CONC Car behavior error
- /e SECTOR 3D engine error
- /e SOUND Sound/Music Engine Error
- /e SNDINIT Unable to init Sound engine
- /e SWPINIT Cannot initialize POD.\nYou do not have enough space on your hard drive.
- ;
- ;
- ;***************************************************
- /t MEMORY Memory error
- ;
- /e OOM Out of memory !
- /e ALLOC Allocation of <%s> failed
- /e ALLOCIN Allocation of <%s> in function <%s> failed
- /e STATIC Static size of %s insufficient
- /e BADVAL Invalid value for %s
- /e MD_BADP %s received a bad parameter
- /e MD_INIT %s : segment not initialized !
- /e FAIL Memory fault : %s failed
- ;
- ;
- ;***************************************************
- /t FILEIO File access error
- ;
- /e OPEN Error opening %s
- /e OPENIN Error opening %s in %s
- /e SAVE Error saving %s
- /e READ Error reading data in %s
- /e READLIG Error reading %s\n%s
- /e READEXP Error in %s reading\n%s\n(%s expected)
- /e GRAPH Error loading bitmap %s
- /e CHEKSUM Bad checksum in file %s (%ld expected)
- /e VERS_M Version descriptor missing in file %s
- /e VERS_H %s : Version number too high (%ld>%ld)
- ;
- ;
- ;***************************************************
- /t CARBHV Car Error
- ;
- /e INIT Car Init Error (%s)
- ;
- ;
- ;***************************************************
- /t BINARY Binary data file undefined error
- ;
- /e CHEKSUM Binary file '%s' is corrupted.\nPlease replace it with the original file.
- /e READBUF Error reading data in binary file '%s'
- /e WRITBUF Error writing data in binary file '%s'
- /e ALLOBUF Allocation of buffer (%ld bytes) for '%s' failed
- /e WHEAD Error writing header of %s
- /e SEEK 'Seek' command failed with binary file '%s'
- ;
- ;***************************************************
- /t HARD Harware error
- ;
- /e MENUIN Invalid menu input mode
- /e NOPIN No entry peripheral
- /e INIT %s initialization has failed
- /e GLIDE Failure while opening glide
- ;/e CURSOR Error loading cursor
- ;
- ;
- ;***************************************************
- ;
- /t 3D 3D engine failure
- /e FOG Invalid fog description
- /e SKY Invalid sky description
- /e PTYPE RTE file : invalid type of point
- /e TEXTURE Name of texture project missing
- /e VICIOUS Vicious bug in %s
- /e NORM Failed in super-norming
- /e QUAD Unknown display type for quadri.
- ;
- ;
- ;***************************************************
- /t WIN Windows error
- ;
- /e FAIL %s has crashed !
- /e CARD Your graphic card does not support this video mode
- ;
- ; Following messages are displayed before dico (winpod.cxx)
- ;/e DISP Speed Busters does not recognize your Windows display mode
- ;/e SEMA Creation of semaphore %s has failed
- ;/e MODE2 Graphic mode 2 is not supported by Windows
- ;/e NO824 Speed Busters cannot run in Win95 8/24 bits graphic mode
- ;/e DDDISP Display mode not compatible with DirectDraw
- ;
- ;
- ;***************************************************
- /t EVENTS Event engine error
- ;
- /e UNK_TEV Unknown saved events in POD.TEV
- /e SIZEPEV Size of %s event parameter has changed
- /e UNK_DEV Unknown event %s in file %s
- /e MISS_EV Missing event %s in file %s
- ;
- ;
- ;***************************************************
- /t CONC
- ;
- /e ATTACK Invalid attack number
- /e RSOBAL RSO file does not match BAL file : delete RSO
- /e QUAD No runnable face for the starting point
- /e WHEEL A car's wheel doesn't belong to a sector
- /e DEPART Bad starting position
- /e PLAYER Invalid player's type
- ;
- ;
- ;***************************************************
- ;
- /e DIFFNB Number of sectors in .RTE and .ZON different
- /e SEQ Invalid sector sequence in .ZON
- /e MISS_VS Missing visible sector (n░%ld)
- /e TOO_VS Visible sector out of range (n░%ld)
- ;
- ;
- ;***************************************************
- /t LAYOUT Layout general failure
- ;
- /e TYPE Layout n░%ld type error (part %ld)
- /e REF Layout n░%ld reference error (part %ld)
- /e RESOL Layout n░%ld resolution error (part %ld)
- /e INFO Bad layout info. %s for %s
- ;
- ;
- ;***************************************************
- /t ANIM Animation engine error
- ;
- /e UNK Unknown animation type in %s
- /e BADHV Bad H/V information in %s
- ;
- ;
- ;***************************************************
- /t MENU
- ;
- /e BADMODE unknown menu mode
- /e RESOL4 Video resolution != 4
- /e BADTAP Bad text alignment in the poly-button %ld of menu %ld
- /e TYPOPT Impossible to display option type n░%ld
- /e BADTA Bad text alignment
- /e MESSAGE %s
- ;
- ;
- ;***************************************************
- ;
- /e CHRONO1 "%s" missed lap chrono\nRace times won't be saved
- /e CHRONO2 "%s" avoided a chrono\nP1 %lds\nP2 %lds\nP3 %lds\nP4 %lds\nRace times won't be saved
- /e SOUND Possible problem with SOUND data (%s)
- /e VIDEO Sound Driver Busy : \n Video will be played without sound.
- /e INSCDR Please insert Speed Busters CD-ROM
- ;
- ;
- ;***************************************************
- /t SOUND Sound/Music Engine Error (%s)
- ;
- /e FOPEN Cannot open file %s
- /e FUSE Cannot use file %s
- /e ASSERT Assertion failed %s
- /e INITDS Init of SDK failed
- /e INITRES Init of RES file failed
- /e INITBNK Init of BNK file failed
- /e GETDIR Cannot save current directory
- /e SETDIR Cannot restore current directory
- /e BUG Undefined error
- /e EDIT Cannot edit low-level sounds
- /e LOAD Cannot load data
- /e SAMPLE Init of sample failed
- /e BUFFER Sound-Buffer wasn't refreshed fast enough
- /e HAUT High-Level error
- /e BUSY SoundDriver is busy
- /e UNKNOWN Sound engine error (%s)
- /e NEM Not enough meory
- ;
- /e CDTRACK Init of CD-track failed
- /e MIDITRK Init of Midi-track failed
- /e BAD_TR Bad number of track in definition file
- /e LOAD Error while loading midi-file
- /e UNLOAD Error while freeing midi-file
- /e BAD_SEQ Bad sequence number
- /e INIT Error while initialize scipt-file
- ;
- /e CDUNKN CD-drive error
- /e CDBUSY CD-drive is busy
- /e CDPLAY Cannot play track
- ;
- /e MIDUNKN Midi-drive error
- /e MIDCAPS Cannot get Midi-driver capabilities
- /e MIDBUSY Midi-driver is busy
- /e MIDDEV Midi-driver has been destroyed
- /e MIDSTOP Cannot stop midi device
- /e MIDPLAY Cannot play midi track
- /e MIDOPEN Cannot open Midi-Device
- /e MIDMAP Midi-Mapper is unavailable
- ;
- ;*************************************
- /t SNDINIT Unable to init Sound engine
- ;
- /e RETRY Retry
- /e SNRETTX Retry to allocate Sound-Driver
- /e CDRETTX Retry to allocate CD-Driver
- /e IGNOR Ignore
- /e CDIGNTX Continue Speed Busters without CD-Music
- /e SNIGNTX Continue Speed Busters without Sound effects
- /e EXIT Exit
- /e CDEXTX Quit Speed Busters
- /e SNEXTX Quit Speed Busters
- /e DRVSND Unable to init Sound Driver
- /e DRVCD Unable to init CD Driver
- /e CDDRBAD You don't currently have any appropriate SoundDriver (16 bits, stereo, 22kHz)
- /e SNDRBAD You don't currently have any AudioCD driver
- /e CDDRBUS Your Audio-CD is used by another application
- /e SNDRBUS Your Sound Driver is used by another application